
Columbia Criminal Defense Attorney

White Collar Crimes

To us, you’re more than just a case number or a transaction. We care about your case and want to build a real relationship with you.


Could I be convicted of wire fraud?

Wire fraud is a white-collar crime. This means it involves money and finances. It is non-violent, but that does not mean its effects are not serious. This type of fraud can cost individuals and financial institutions a lot of money. In simple terms, wire fraud is when one person gets...

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What constitutes trademark infringement?

If you own your own business, you probably understand that your name means everything. To get people to remember you and what your business brings to the table, you need strong, cohesive branding, and part of the branding process often involves the development of a trademark. A trademark is a...

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Entrapment and white-collar crime

When a person is accused of committing a crime, entrapment is one of the possible defenses available. Asserting this defense means that the accused must prove that he or she would not have committed the crime in question without the pressure from law enforcement agents. This can be a complicated...

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What is insider trading?

The basic tenets of prohibited insider trading forbid using “inside” knowledge to get an advantage in securities trading. With continuously increasing levels of enforcement along with strict court rulings that give prosecutors more scope, anyone involved in trading and investment should be aware of the many complex laws and regulations...

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