
Columbia Criminal Defense Attorney

Money Laundering And Enhanced Penalties

To us, you’re more than just a case number or a transaction. We care about your case and want to build a real relationship with you.


Money Laundering And Enhanced Penalties

Money laundering occurs when an individual or organization attempts to promote or conceal illegal activity by engaging in a transaction that involves proceeds from the activity.

This charge is often pursued in conjunction with other criminal charges such as drug crimes, fraud or other cases where the accused person has obtained money or other property illegally. In many cases, prosecutors may include a money laundering charge to seek enhanced penalties for other offenses.

Because allegations of money laundering frequently involve other alleged crimes, it is important to work with a lawyer who has a thorough understanding of many different criminal law matters. I have been practicing criminal law for more than 35 years, fighting virtually all types of criminal charges.

Respected By Clients, Colleagues And Courts

Money laundering charges are often filed in federal court, which has high stakes and a complex set of rules.

I have been handling federal criminal cases for more than 35 years. I take pride in the results I have obtained for my clients. I encourage you to contact my office in Columbia to arrange a consultation and learn more about how I can help you.

Contact The Law Office Of Jonathan M. Harvey

If you are facing federal charges, you need an attorney who has worked in the federal system before and knows how to defend you. Please call 803-779-3363 or send me an email to arrange an appointment.